Important Links
Dr Marilyn Glenville: Regarded as the UK's leading nutritionist specialising in all areas of women's health. An excellent source of information for women of all ages:
Association of Reflexologists (AoR): The UK's foremost professional association for reflexology providing benefits, advice and guidance to reflexologists. The AoR works with other external bodies and groups to ensure the highest standards are met by its members. The AoR website provides comprehensive information for the general public: and
Baby Reflex: A new and exciting form of reflexology especially designed for the needs of babies and toddlers. Only fully qualified reflexologists are able to teach this natural and effective therapy to parents or carers:
Birthing Ball Specialist and Products for Pregnancy and Labour: An online store selling birth balls, pregnancy essentials, labour essentials, and helpful products for breastfeeding:
Foresight: The Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care: Foresight has been helping couples for over 30 years by aiding fertility through nutritional advice, lifestyle changes and avoiding toxin intake: